- Mike & Heidi
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Edit the map block to show location
What to expect traveling to Cap Cana region.
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Unit #D2035 is found from this side of the building.
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Once you find your accommodations, you may want to park closer along this side street.
(1) Touch the touch screen icon to activate the touch pad. (2) Type in your PIN code. (3) Press #.
To get more watching options including free content, you may want to try the ADD CHANNEL and add the following channels which have more movies and shows. TubiTV, PlutoTV, LocalNOW, YouTube, Live TV on Roku Channel (not the Live TV channel itself). Plus all the other services like Netflix and Hulu, but those require a subscription. The ones above are free. π
Everything in this video should work, except the antennae stuff starting around the 3:28 mark. There is no antennae connection to the TV. Only Web streaming is available.
Edit the map block to show location
Edit the map block to show location
$3 USD taxi ride required each way
Edit the map block to show location
Edit the map block to show location